The Evolution Of 3D Modeling: Extinction Of The Prehistoric Draftsman

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The Evolution Of 3D Modeling: Extinction Of The Prehistoric Draftsman

 a computer generated 3d model of an offshore oil field tool.

Most people are still curious how a simple napkin sketch gets transformed into a 3D masterpiece. And, also about how the most innovative companies are turning their imaginative ideas into actual tangible products for the world to use. In this article, we cover how 3D modeling has evolved over the years and just how simple two dimensional drawings are making their way to 3D works of art.

The Renaissance of Drafting and the 3D sphere

In the past, all manufacturing began with a two dimensional scaled drawing. This flat and static blueprint would be the foundation from which products were erected. Unfortunately, this 2D blueprint limited draftsman—they were only capable of creating a representation of the final product.

Aided with prior sketches, discussions with the client, and an extensive list of measurements and calculations, the drafter would begin their enormous task.

Enveloped in a whirlwind of design, the rendering would be created from the artist’s mind. The individual would draw and redraw the product many times, always according to the specs—but consistently guided by their imagination.

It became obvious just how trivial and trying this process can be and how much trial error would occur before and after the manufacturing process.

The simple tweaks and adjustments to the product design that we take for granted so often today (which we discuss more of in a bit) would sometimes take hours or days depending on when the draftsman could get with the client and physically redraw the product to spec. What engineering and design that can be done in the cloud today, had to be done face to face in past.

That is where technology changed the game in engineering and the manufacturing process.

What is 3D modeling?

3D modeling allows a draftsman or Engineer to view the product being created from multiple, complex angles and perspectives.

Seeing the object, on their screen, from any angle helps the draftsman get a very clear concept and feel for its overall shape and mass. They can then fashion and manipulate the form in a cyber three dimensional space in real time, making the design process much more efficient.

Cyber Tools For the 3D Job


The prehistoric tools that the Neanderthal draftsman was equipped with made his task that much more daunting. His toolbox included calipers, scales, measuring stick and devices, etc. He relied heavily upon these tools for accuracy and the representation of the product.

In the creation process used to be much marking, checking, double checking, and of course erasing (lots and lots of erasing) and crumbling and discarding of prototypes and older drawings... and erasing.

Did we mention erasing?

The technological, futuristic, Super Draftsman would never know the heartaches and headaches his prehistoric relative would have faced.

Getting the job done, always requires the proper tools.

And this is no different for the draftsman. Let's take a look at the modern draftsman’s 3D cyber toolbox.

How these 3D Tools Work

Today, the cyber space and creation space are entirely different and much more efficacious.

Instantaneously, the artist can see the form of his product, and with the click of the button, he can resize, and scale, and click points to get circumference, mass, and measurements.

(no erasing...)

Today's draftsman can simply "select" what he is looking for. Previously, his only option was to "create" it from nothing.

Selecting an object allows you to see all of its dimensions in an isolated window. You can type in your measurements, and voila, you now have the shape, form and dimensions (three-dimensionally) rendered before your very eyes.

It’s like God is pressing the create button right before you. The individual draftsmen could now literally play God in his own cyber universe.


Creating with Cyber Legos: Assembling in the 3D sphere

The mating of parts is where real assembly happens. Remember Legos as a kid? You had to dig around and hunt for that specific piece to fit the genius blueprint drawn up in your mind.

In the past, the prehistoric draftsman—naturally selected to extinction—would have been tasked to draw to scale all the mating parts that made up his product. Yet, today, the digital calculations of the software allows for the perfect part, modeled for the perfect fit, each and every time.

Hear how the software heralds its operations, “Create parts of unlimited complexity, build in intelligence with equations, and make it micron-perfect for manufacturing.

Now, that’s 3D modeling!

Different parts can be mated more efficiently by coding “…a set of relationships that define how parts interact…”

Surfaces can be selected indicating the dimensions; ensuring the precise mating of connected parts. 

Adjustments are a snap by defining equations built into the model.

A drag, here; a filter; there, and rescale that, and, voila'! You have your fit.

Here, at Keystone, we are often asked how we deliver the perfect tool for the job, each and every order. Our answer is simple: we invest in the best 3D modeling and technology to produce the most accurate tools for our customers.


Stop digging around in your Lego box. Click below and ask us to deliver the right tool for the job.

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